Aaina delivers a termly programme of learning and employment-related workshops delivered by in-house tutors and in partnership with adult education providers. The classes focus on up-skilling women of all ages in vocational skills that lead to independence and employment. Courses are delivered daily between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm.
Aaina delivers free basic ESOL classes supporting women who want to improve their English language skills to be confident enough to speak read and write and actively engage in their local community. The following classes are currently being delivered in small groups at the Hub and online during lockdown periods in partnership with The City Wolverhampton College;
ESOL, basic, intermediate and advanced
Functional Skills - English and Maths
Conversational English
Digital Literacy Skills - Learn My Way
Employability and Work Skills Training
Sewing- Beginners and advanced and Soft Furnishings
Vocational online courses
Book Club and Creative writing
Contact Aaina on 01922 644006 for further information.
Support Services
Aaina staff provide confidential one-to-one advice and support in a safe and welcoming space, these include;
- Supporting victims of domestic abuse, who are in crisis or require respite, information and advice
- Practical support to relieve poverty and hardship
- Universal Credit applications & ongoing welfare benefit support
- Housing applications and assisting with official correspondence
- Women subject to a hate crime which includes verbal, and physical abuse, direct and online harassment
- Victims of Female Genital Mutilation, Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage
All activities support is available online via telephone, Zoom, WhatsApp.

Health & Mental Wellbeing
Exercise and Healthy Lifestyles -
Weekly activities are organised at the Hub and the Seed Hut in Palfrey Park Walsall, to encourage healthy life styles and promote positive mental health, these include Cycling, Yoga, Walk and Talk, and Aerobics.
The Recipe Exchange promotes healthy eating and weight management to support women who want to adopt positive changes in their daily routine. Aaina works in partnership with Walsall NHS to address increasing obesity levels and diabetes by organising wellbeing events and consultations on a regular basis.
Intergenerational Wellbeing Activities We appreciate the stresses and anxiety caused by daily pressures and the toll these have taken on women especially during the Covid 19 pandemic and having to cope with increasing levels of loneliness and isolation. To address this we provide weekly activities at Aaina and in the community. Women of all ages are welcome to participate in creative crafts, day trips, community events and stimulating workshops that encourage new skills and experience's. The sessions facilitate positive social networks, social inclusion and engagement.
Activities take place on a daily basis and are currently available online via zoom and one to one telephone befriending sessions for women who struggle with technology.
Weekly Activities
Placements are available for women aged 18 years and over at Aaina. These enable individuals to develop a portfolio of work-related skills to improve confidence and chances of securing part and full-time work.
Aaina values the contribution volunteers make to the ongoing growth and delivery of services, we welcome volunteers from all walks of life with a varied and diverse skill set. In October 2019 three of our volunteers participated in the Creative Enterprise course in Istanbul in partnership with Praxis Europe through the Erasmus Plus programme.
Volunteering often paves the way to employment, further education, strengthening social skills, community links and improving general health and well-being. We provide placements in the following areas;
*Customer service
*Reception/Administration Skills
*Facilitating community activities
*Teaching ICT and ESOL
*Event planning

Community Engagement
Aaina Building Resilience Activities - Covid 19 has resulted in women feeling vulnerable, isolated and socially excluded. Our building resilience activities take place throughout the week to facilitate social peer networks that engage and address issues and concerns impacting lone women and single parents. Building resilience activities also increase raise awareness around local issues which include Hate Crime, Child Sex Exploitation, anti-social behaviour and Cyber Bullying.
Consultations and Focus Groups - Aaina actively assists in the facilitation of focus groups and consultation exercises with public sector organisations and stakeholders who are keen to engage underserved communities to identify gaps and inequalities. The information contributes to local strategies and the design of services to address the needs of marginalised communities impacted by multiple levels of deprivation.
Employment Skills Support
Employment - Job search skills workshops are delivered weekly for women who are actively seeking employment. One-to-one support is available to develop skills that enable applicants to navigate the new Universal Credit system and full fill set out requirements to prevent unnecessary sanctions.
Fully experienced multilingual staff are on hand to support women to update CVs, and cover letters, and assist with application forms. We also coach women in interview techniques to prepare individuals for success in securing employment in their chosen area of industry.
Enterprise - Aaina supports women with established home-based enterprises to formalise and increase market presence by working in partnership with local Enterprise Hubs and Unltd. We provide access to tools that increase capacity, skills and knowledge in social enterprise and business. We also organise regular enterprise days where women with homegrown businesses can promote and market locally to increase their customer base.